Firstly, the lecture will analyze strategic decisions that company needs to make regarding executional functioning of sales department and optimization of its results. In that respect, the focus will be on: (a) structuring sales in the organization; (b) structuring sales principles and processes; and (c) managing sales over the long-run and short-run. Secondly, the lecture discusses sales as an important strategic tool for value creation: (a) from customer perspective, where sales can be used for creating short-term and long-term value growth for customers, and (b) from firm perspective, where sales can be used as an important touchpoint stimulating both incremental and radical innovations.
ahearne curriculum
APB 2017
Advanced Program in Business is “incredibly impressive and unique world-wide in the ability to bring the top people in the world from the top management schools.” (prof. Rajesh Chandy, LBS).
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