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frontpage Mitchell


After two inspiring APB lectures by prof. Barnett (Stanford) and prof. Carpenter (Northwestern), APB continues on March 19th/20th with a session: Managing strategic change: Strategies for growth by prof. Will Mitchell from Duke University.

Prof. Mitchell is the editor of Strategic Management Journal – the premier journal in strategy. He is world’s leading authority on change strategies. He studies business dynamics in developed and emerging markets.

Click here to learn more about APB faculty.

frontpage chandy


This year again we have a pleasure of welcoming prof. Chandy from London Business School to APB. Prof. Chandy is a chaired professor of innovation, entrepreneurship and marketing at London Business School. He revolutionized research on innovation by identifying key cultural and behavioral characteristics that foster innovation.

He will be discussing strategies companies can implement to generate growth opportunities through technological and market innovations.

Click here to learn more about APB faculty.